
Establishing a Connection

Authenticating Using Personal Access Token

To authenticate, set the following:

  • AuthScheme: Set this to PersonalAccessToken.

  • Token: The token used to access the Databricks server. It can be obtained by navigating to the User Settings page of your Databricks instance and selecting the Access Tokens tab.

Authenticating to Azure Active Directory

To authenticate to Databricks using Azure Service Principal:

  • AuthScheme: Set this to AzureServicePrincipal.

  • AzureTenantId: Set this to the tenant ID of your Microsoft Azure Active Directory.

  • AzureClientId: Set to the application (client) ID of your Microsoft Azure Active Directory application.

  • AzureClientSecret: Set to the application (client) secret of your Microsoft Azure Active Directory application.

  • AzureSubscriptionId: Set this to the Subscription id of your Microsoft Azure Databricks Service Workspace.

  • AzureResourceGroup: Set this to the Resource Group name of your Microsoft Azure Databricks Service Workspace.

  • AzureWorkspace: Set this to the name of your Microsoft Azure Databricks Service Workspace.

Connecting to Databricks

To connect to a Databricks cluster, set the properties as described below.

Note: The needed values can be found in your Databricks instance by navigating to Clusters, and selecting the desired cluster, and selecting the JDBC/ODBC tab under Advanced Options.

  • Database: Set to the name of the Databricks database.

  • Server: Set to the Server Hostname of your Databricks cluster.

  • HTTPPath: Set to the HTTP Path of your Databricks cluster.

  • Token: Set to your personal access token (this value can be obtained by navigating to the User Settings page of your Databricks instance and selecting the Access Tokens tab).

Cloud Storage Configuration

The provider supports DBFS, Azure Blob Storage, and AWS S3 for uploading CSV files.

DBFS Cloud Storage

To use DBFS for cloud storage, set the following:

  • CloudStorageType: Set this to DBFS.

  • StoreTableInCloud: Set this to True to store tables in cloud storage when creating a new table.

Authenticating to Azure Blob Storage

Set the following to use Azure Blob Storage for cloud storage:

  • CloudStorageType: Set this to Azure Blob storage.

  • StoreTableInCloud: Set this to True to store tables in cloud storage when creating a new table.

  • AzureStorageAccount: Set this to the name of your Azure storage account.

  • AzureAccessKey: Set to the storage key associated with your Databricks account. Find this via the azure portal (using the root acoount). Select your storage account and click Access Keys to find this value.

  • AzureBlobContainer: Set to the name of you Azure Blob storage container.

Authenticating to AWS S3

Set the following to use AWS S3 for cloud storage:

  • CloudStorageType: Set this to AWS S3.

  • StoreTableInCloud: Set this to True to store tables in cloud storage when creating a new table.

  • AWSAccessKey: The AWS account access key. This value is accessible from your AWS security credentials page.

  • AWSSecretKey: Your AWS account secret key. This value is accessible from your AWS security credentials page.

  • AWSS3Bucket: Set to the name of your AWS S3 bucket.

  • AWSRegion: The hosting region for your Amazon Web Services. The AWS Region value can be obtained by navigating to the Buckets List page of your Amazon S3 service, such as: us-east-1.

Last updated