Workflow Activities


appConnector Base Activities are made up the most commonly used activity modules in the appRules product suite.

appConnector Base Activities

Control Flow Module

The Control Flow activities module provides activities for controlling flow of execution within your project.

Control Flow Activities

Note that while activities such as the Parallel and schedule multiple child activities for execution simultaneously, only a single thread is used for a workflow. Each child activity of these activities executes sequentially and successive activities do not execute until previous activities either complete or go idle. As a result, these activities are most useful for applications in which several potentially blocking activities must execute in an interleaved fashion. If none of the child activities of these activities go idle, a Parallel activity executes just like a Sequence activity.


The table below shows the activities in the Control Flow activities module and their key properties.

Base Module

The appRules Base activities module includes activities that are used for initializing your project, closing the project, executing functions, calling other projects and more.


The table below shows the activities in the appRules Base module including their key properties.

Dialogs Module

The appConnector Dialogs activities module contains activities for entering or viewing values during runtime or test runs of your project.


The table below shows the activities in the Dialogs module. The activities display the values when the project is run. Viewers activities are displayed when the workflow is run in debug mode.

Record Module

The appConnector Record activities module contains activities for managing the data field values of active records of Source and Target activities in your project. The module also contains the generic GetNextPreloadedRecord activity which can be used to get the next record from a preloaded list of records.


The table below shows the activities in the appConnector Record module including their key properties.

List Module

The appConnector List activities module contains activities for creating ad-hoc lists that can be used in the project. This module also contains activities for managing pick lists that are created in the metadata for systems such as Dynamic CRM, and others.


The table below shows the activities in the appConnector List module including their key properties.

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