Application Configuration
The appRules application configuration settings are stored in the Default.json file in the root folder.
All settings in the Default.json file are optional
startup: | Full name of the startup method. i.e. "MyApp.Program.Main, MyApp". |
mainWindow: | Full name of a view (Page or Form) created automatically at startup. i.e. "MyApp.MainView, MyApp". |
theme: | Name of the theme, without the extension, to load at startup. |
url: | Destination URL. If null, the request must match a web page. |
allowedRoutes: | Allows the application to handle different Url routes, separated by a semicolon. i.e. "api;admin;query/users". |
culture: | The default culture of the application. Default: "auto" (detects the culture from the browser.) |
rightToLeft: | Enables or disables Right to Left mode: true, false or auto. Default: "auto". |
sessionTimeout: | Timeout of the session in seconds. Default: 120. Minimum: 60. Disable: 0. |
responseTimeout: | Timeout of the requests in seconds. Default: 300. Minimum: 300. Increase this value if you expect your application to process long running requests. |
pollingInterval: | Interval for the automatic polling of the server in milliseconds. Default: 0 (disabled). Minimum: 1000. This option is ignored for WebSocket connections. |
autoReload: | When true, the application is automatically reloaded when the session expires or Application.Exit() is called. Default: false. |
secure: | Forces the client to use SSL. Default: false. |
showLoader: | Loads the ajax loader. Default: true. |
loaderTimeout: | Timeout before the appearance of the Ajax loader in milliseconds. Default: 5000. Minimum: 1000. Disable: 0. |
browserCheck: | Custom expression to validate the browser, i.e. "navigator.platform == 'Win32'". |
enablePWA: | Enables PWA mode in browsers that support it. Default: false. |
offlineUrl: | URL to navigate to when the client loses connectivity with the application. Default: "". |
debug: | Enables logging on the client browser console. Default: false. |
enableWebSocket: | Enables the user of WebSocket if available. Default: true. |
enableWebSocketCompression: | Enables compression of incoming WebSocket data. Default: true. |
maxModalStack: | Maximum number of nested modal dialogs. Default: 10. |
dropDuplicateClicks: | + are still queued and will be executed. Default: false. |
disableClientObjectModel: | Disables the creation of the JavaScript object model on the client. |
impersonate: | Set impersonate:true to impersonate the user on the server. Default: false. |
threadPool: | Configures the thread pool without having to modify the machin.config file. All values are optional. i.e. {minWorkerThreads:100}. Default: null. |
options: | Map of platform options. i.e. {"automation.mode": true, "mobile.mode": true, ...}. |
settings: | Map of custom application settings deployment: "aws", "azure", "onpremise" portaldatafoldersdirectory: "", "<your portal data folder>" Default: "" (ProgramData folder) |
Last updated