Excel Services
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A SELECT statement can consist of the following basic clauses.
The following syntax diagram outlines the syntax supported by the SQL engine of the provider:
Return all columns:
Rename a column:
Cast a column's data as a different data type:
Search data:
Return the number of items matching the query criteria:
Return the number of unique items matching the query criteria:
Return the unique items matching the query criteria:
Summarize data:
See Aggregate Functions below for details.
Retrieve data from multiple tables.
See JOIN Queries below for details.
Sort a result set in ascending order:
Restrict a result set to the specified number of rows:
Parameterize a query to pass in inputs at execution time. This enables you to create prepared statements and mitigate SQL injection attacks.
Returns the number of rows matching the query criteria.
Returns the number of distinct, non-null field values matching the query criteria.
Returns the average of the column values.
Returns the minimum column value.
Returns the maximum column value.
Returns the total sum of the column values.
The Provider for Excel Services supports standard SQL joins like the following examples.
An inner join selects only rows from both tables that match the join condition:
A left join selects all rows in the FROM table and only matching rows in the JOIN table:
The following date literal functions can be used to filter date fields using relative intervals. Note that while the <, >, and = operators are supported for these functions, <= and >= are not.
The current day.
The previous day.
The following day.
Every day in the preceding week.
Every day in the current week.
Every day in the following week.
Also available:
The previous n days, excluding the current day.
The following n days, including the current day.
Also available:
Every day in every week, starting n weeks before current week, and ending in the previous week.
Every day in every week, starting the following week, and ending n weeks in the future.
Also available:
Returns the value rounded up to the nearest whole number (no decimal component).
expression: The value to round.
Returns the string that is the concatenation of string_expr1 and string_expr2.
string_expr1: The first string to be concatenated.
string_expr2: The second string to be concatenated.
Returns the integer that specifies the day component of the specified date.
datetime_date: The datetime string that specifies the date.
Returns true if string_expression ends with string_suffix, otherwise returns false.
string_expression: The string expression to search within.
string_suffix: The string suffix to search for.
Returns the value rounded down to the nearest whole number (no decimal component).
value: The value to round.
Returns the integer that specifies the hour component of the specified time.
datetime_time: The datetime string that specifies the time.
Returns the index location where string_search is contained within string_expression.
string_expression: The string expression to search within.
string_search: The search value to locate within string_expression.
Returns the number of characters of the specified string expression.
string_expression: The string expression.
Returns the integer that specifies the minute component of the specified time.
datetime_time: The datetime string that specifies the time.
Returns the integer that specifies the month component of the specified date.
datetime_date: The datetime string that specifies the date.
Returns the string after replacing any found string_search values with string_replace.
string_expression: The string expression to perform a replace on.
string_search: The string value to find within string_expression.
string_replace: The string value replace and string_search instances found.
Returns the value to the nearest whole number (no decimal component).
value: The value to round.
Returns the integer that specifies the second component of the specified time.
datetime_time: The datetime string that specifies the time.
Returns true if string_expression starts with string_prefix, otherwise returns false.
string_expression: The string expression to search within.
string_prefix: The string prefix to search for.
Returns true if string_expression contains string_expression, otherwise returns false.
string_expression: The string expression to search within.
string_search: The value to search for.
Returns the string_expression with the uppercase character data converted to lowercase.
string_expression: The string expression to lowercase.
Returns the string_expression with the lowercase character data converted to uppercase.
string_expression: The string expression to uppercase.
Returns the string_expression with the leading and trailing whitespace removed.
string_expression: The string expression to trim.
Returns the integer that specifies the year component of the specified date.
datetime_date: The datetime string that specifies the date.