Target Entity Properties

Each Source to Target selection that you make as you define your data migration, replication or synchronization job is represented as a Target Entity definition in the Target Entities Collection.

appRules generates default values for the properties of the Target Entities. You can configure the the properties to suit your needs.

You can change the order of execution of the jobs in the Target Entities collection by simply changing the location of the items - (drag-and-drop).

Note: Jobs defined to run in parallel are not affected by the location in the collection.

Target Entity Properties

Below are the properties of the Target Entity in the Target Entities Collection of the Migrate Data Activity grouped by category:

A majority of the target entity properties are automatically generated when the Migrate Data Activity is initialized.

The functionality of the Target Entity properties depends on the data migration job type. Any differences are reviewed in the section for the specific data migration job type.

1. Target Entity


If a condition is specified, the job for his Target Entity will only be run if the condition is true.

Default: None


The unique display name for the Target Entity job definition.

Default: Automatically generated


The selected data migration job type.


Whether to include the target entity in the next run of the project - (True/False).

Default: True

2. Job Settings


Use this property to configure the logging settings for the target entity. Record logging options include:

  • All Records

  • Error Records Only

  • No Audit Record Logging

You can also configure options to capture custom values to be stored in the logs.

Default: All Records

Dependent Entities

Optional: Configure target entities/tables that must be migrated with the current MigrationJobKey before processing the target entity.

Default: None


The option for executing the job for migrating the entity.

  • Default: Run the job using the value defined in the MigrateData activity.

  • Parallel: Run the job in parallel with other running jobs in the collection.

  • Sequential: Run the job sequentially - the job for the next entity on the list will not be started until the current job is completed

Default: Default


Use this property to define options for loading records including batch size, maximum number of records to load, error settings, notifications, etc.

3. Source Settings


Select the source data source to be used for the migration.


Select the primary entity of the data source to be migrated.


Select the query type to be used for loading the source records:

  • Configuration: Configure the source record load activity by selecting options.

  • CustomQuery: Use a custom query to select records.

  • StoredProcedure: If supported by the Source, use a stored procedure to load records.

Default: Configuration


Based on the SourceQueryType selected above, configure the settings or define a custom query for loading the source records to be migrated:


Default: None

4. Target Settings


Select the target data source to be used for the migration.

This property is automatically populated when the Migrate Data Activity is initialized.


Select the target primary entity into which the source records will be loaded.

This property is automatically populated when the Migrate Data Activity is initialized.


Optional: Configure Target Worker definitions for optimizing processing. Target Worker definitions are shared by all running target entity migration jobs initiated by the current Migrate Data Activity.

Default: Settings pre-configured.

5. Secondary Entities


Optional: Configure secondary entities if required for the data migration job type. For example, if the data migration job type is One-To-Many Mapping, the secondary entities are stored in this collection during the initialization of the Migrate Data Activity.

Default: None

6. Job Initialization Actions


Optional: Configure any custom actions required to initialize the job.

Default: None

7. Map & Save


Optional: Configure any custom actions to execute before mapping a data record.

Default: None


The definitions of the Source to Target field maps are automatically generated by appRules and can optionally be modified to suit your needs. For example, you can use appRules field mapping to transform Source data before saving in the Target.


Optional: Configure any custom actions to execute before saving a data record.

Default: None


Configure the settings for saving the records including Insert, Update, Upsert and Skipsert.

Default: Insert


Optional: Configure any custom actions to execute after saving a data record.

Default: None

8. Job Completion Actions


Optional: Configure any custom actions to execute upon completion of the job for the entity.

Default: None

Last updated