Module | Type | Description |
Access | CloseSource | Closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | Closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | Deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteStatements | Executes custom SQL statements on a connection | |
GetNextRecord | Fetches the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | Initializes a connection for reading data records at run time. | |
InitializeTarget | Initializes a connection where output records will be saved. | |
LookupRecord | Fetches a specific record from a source connection | |
MapRecordFields | Sets the values of the specified DataFields in a target connection | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record | |
Btrieve | CloseSource | Closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | Closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | Deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteStatements | Executes custom SQL statements on a connection | |
GetNextRecord | Fetches the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | Initializes a connection for reading data records at run time. | |
InitializeTarget | Initializing a connection where output records will be saved. | |
LookupRecord | Fetches a specific record from a source connection | |
MapRecordFields | Sets the values of the specified DataFields in a target connection | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record | |
DB2 | CloseSource | Closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | Closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | Deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteStatements | Executes custom SQL statements on a connection | |
ExecuteStoredProcedure | Executes a stored procedure on a data source. To utilize a stored procedure as a multi-record source, use the InitializeSource activity | |
GetNextRecord | Fetches the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | Initializes a Source for reading data records | |
InitializeTarget | Initializes a Target for saving data records | |
LookupRecord | Fetches a specific record from a Source | |
MapRecordFields | Setting the values of the specified DataFields in a target | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record | |
EmbeddedDB | CloseSource | Closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | Closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | Deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteStatements | Executes custom SQL statements on a connection | |
ExecuteStoredProcedure | Executes a stored procedure on a data source. To utilize a stored procedure as a multi-record source, use the InitializeSource activity | |
GetNextRecord | Gets the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | Initializes a connection for reading data records at run time. | |
InitializeTarget | Initializes a connection for saving output data records. | |
LookupRecord | Gets a specific record from a data source | |
MapRecordFields | Maps values to specified DataFields in a target connection | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record | |
Firebird | CloseSource | The CloseFirebirdSource activity closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | The CloseFirebirdTarget activity closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | The DeleteFirebirdRecord activity deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteStatements | The ExecuteFirebirdStatement activity is used to execute a custom sql statement on a connection | |
ExecuteStoredProcedure | Executes a stored procedure on a data source. To utilize a stored procedure as a multi-record source, use the InitializeSource activity | |
GetNextRecord | The GetNextFirebirdRecord activity fetches the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | The InitializeFirebirdSource activity initializes a connection for reading data records at run time. Multiple InitializeFirebirdSource activites can be included in the workflow. | |
InitializeTarget | The InitializeFirebirdTarget is used for initializing a connection where output records will be saved. Multiple InitializeFirebirdTarget activites can be included in the workflow. | |
LookupRecord | The LookupFirebirdRecord activity fetches a specific record from a source connection | |
MapRecordFields | The MapAndSetFirebirdFields activity is used for setting the values of the specified DataFields in a target connection | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record | |
Informix | CloseSource | Closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | Closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | Deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteStatements | Executes custom SQL statements on a connection | |
ExecuteStoredProcedure | Executes a stored procedure on a data source. To utilize a stored procedure as a multi-record source, use the InitializeSource activity | |
GetNextRecord | Fetches the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | Initializes a connection for reading data records at run time. | |
InitializeTarget | Initializing a connection where output records will be saved. | |
LookupRecord | Fetches a specific record from a source connection | |
MapRecordFields | Sets the values of the specified DataFields in a target connection | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record | |
MariaDB | CloseSource | Closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | Closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | Deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteStatements | Executes custom SQL statements on a connection | |
GetNextRecord | Fetches the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | Initializes a connection for reading data records at run time. | |
InitializeTarget | Initializing a connection where output records will be saved. | |
LookupRecord | Fetches a specific record from a source connection | |
MapRecordFields | Sets the values of the specified DataFields in a target connection | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record | |
MySQL | CloseSource | Closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | Closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | Deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteStatements | Executes custom SQL statements on a connection | |
ExecuteStoredProcedure | Executes a stored procedure on a data source. To utilize a stored procedure as a multi-record source, use the InitializeSource activity | |
GetNextRecord | Fetches the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | Initializes a connection for reading data records at run time. | |
InitializeTarget | Initializing a connection where output records will be saved. | |
LookupRecord | Fetches a specific record from a source connection | |
MapRecordFields | Sets the values of the specified DataFields in a target connection | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record | |
Odbc | CloseSource | Closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | Closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | Deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteStatements | Executes custom SQL statements on a connection | |
ExecuteStoredProcedure | Executes a stored procedure on a data source. To utilize a stored procedure as a multi-record source, use the InitializeSource activity | |
GetNextRecord | Gets the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | Initializes a connection for reading data records at run time. | |
InitializeTarget | Initializing a connection where output records will be saved. | |
LookupRecord | Loads a specific record from a source connection | |
MapRecordFields | Sets the values of the specified DataFields in a target connection | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record | |
OleDb | CloseSource | Closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | Closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | Deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteStatements | Executes custom SQL statements on a connection | |
ExecuteStoredProcedure | Executes a stored procedure on a data source. To utilize a stored procedure as a multi-record source, use the InitializeSource activity | |
GetNextRecord | Gets the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | Initializes a connection for reading data records at run time. | |
LookupRecord | Loads a specific record from a source connection | |
MapRecordFields | Sets the values of the specified DataFields in a target connection | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record | |
Oracle | CloseSource | Closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | Closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | Deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteStatements | Executes custom SQL statements on a connection | |
ExecuteStoredProcedure | Executes a stored procedure on a data source. To utilize a stored procedure as a multi-record source, use the InitializeSource activity | |
GetNextRecord | Fetches the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | Initializes a connection for reading data records at run time. | |
InitializeTarget | Initializing a connection where output records will be saved. | |
LookupRecord | Fetches a specific record from a source connection | |
MapRecordFields | Sets the values of the specified DataFields in a target connection | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record | |
PostgreSQL | CloseSource | Closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | Closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | Deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteStatements | Executes custom SQL statements on a connection | |
ExecuteStoredProcedure | Executes a stored procedure on a data source. To utilize a stored procedure as a multi-record source, use the InitializeSource activity | |
GetNextRecord | Fetches the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | Initializes a connection for reading data records at run time. | |
InitializeTarget | Initializing a connection where output records will be saved. | |
LookupRecord | Fetches a specific record from a source connection | |
MapRecordFields | Sets the values of the specified DataFields in a target connection | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record | |
SqlAzure | CloseSource | Closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | Closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | Deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteStatements | Executes custom SQL statements on a connection | |
ExecuteStoredProcedure | Executes a stored procedure on a data source. To utilize a stored procedure as a multi-record source, use the InitializeSource activity | |
GetNextRecord | Gets the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | Initializes a connection for reading data records at run time. | |
InitializeTarget | Initializing a connection where output records will be saved. | |
LookupRecord | Loads a specific record from a source connection | |
MapRecordFields | Sets the values of the specified DataFields in a target connection | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record | |
SqlServer | CloseSource | Closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | Closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | Deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteSQLScript | Executes a SQL Server Script file | |
ExecuteStatements | Executes custom SQL statements on a connection | |
ExecuteStoredProcedure | Executes a stored procedure on a data source. To utilize a stored procedure as a multi-record source, use the InitializeSource activity | |
GetNextRecord | Gets the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | Initializes a connection for reading data records at run time. | |
InitializeTarget | Initializes a connection for saving output data records. | |
LookupRecord | Gets a specific record from a data source | |
MapRecordFields | Sets the values of the specified DataFields in a target connection | |
RunSSISPackage | Runs a SSIS package | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record - (Insert, Update, Upsert, Skipsert) | |
SqlServerCe | CloseSource | Closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | Closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | Deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteStatements | The ExecuteSqlServerCeStatement activity is used to execute a custom sql statement on a connection | |
GetNextRecord | Gets the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | Initializes a source for reading records at run time. | |
InitializeTarget | Initializes a connection where output records will be saved. | |
LookupRecord | Gets a specific record from a data source | |
MapRecordFields | Sets the values of the specified DataFields in a target connection | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record - (Insert, Update, Upsert, Skipsert) | |
Sybase | CloseSource | Closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | Closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | Deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteStatements | Executes custom SQL statements on a connection | |
ExecuteStoredProcedure | Executes a stored procedure on a data source. To utilize a stored procedure as a multi-record source, use the InitializeSource activity | |
GetNextRecord | Fetches the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | Initializes a connection for reading data records at run time. | |
InitializeTarget | Initializing a connection where output records will be saved. | |
LookupRecord | Fetches a specific record from a source connection | |
MapRecordFields | Sets the values of the specified DataFields in a target connection | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record | |
Teradata | CloseSource | Closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | Closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | Deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteStatements | Executes custom SQL statements on a connection | |
ExecuteStoredProcedure | Executes a stored procedure on a data source. To utilize a stored procedure as a multi-record source, use the InitializeSource activity | |
GetNextRecord | Fetches the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | Initializes a connection for reading data records at run time. | |
InitializeTarget | Initializing a connection where output records will be saved. | |
LookupRecord | Fetches a specific record from a source connection | |
MapRecordFields | Sets the values of the specified DataFields in a target connection | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record | |
Vertica | CloseSource | Closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | Closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | Deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteStatements | Executes custom SQL statements on a connection | |
ExecuteStoredProcedure | Executes a stored procedure on a data source. To utilize a stored procedure as a multi-record source, use the InitializeSource activity | |
GetNextRecord | Fetches the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | Initializes a connection for reading data records at run time. | |
InitializeTarget | Initializes a connection where output records will be saved. | |
LookupRecord | Fetches a specific record from a source connection | |
MapRecordFields | Sets the values of the specified DataFields in a target connection | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record | |
xBase | CloseSource | Closes the specified source connection |
CloseTarget | Closes the specified target connection | |
DeleteRecord | Deletes the specified target record | |
ExecuteStatements | Executes custom SQL statements on a connection | |
GetNextRecord | Fetches the next record from the specified source connection | |
InitializeSource | Initializes a connection for reading data records at run time. | |
InitializeTarget | Initializing a connection where output records will be saved. | |
LookupRecord | Fetches a specific record from a source connection | |
MapRecordFields | Sets the values of the specified DataFields in a target connection | |
SaveRecord | Saves the specified target record |
Last updated