
The Server and Port properties must be set to a MariaDB server. If IntegratedSecurity is set to false, then User and Password must be set to valid user credentials. Optionally, Database can be set to connect to a specific database. If not set, the provider reports tables from all databases.

The following are the properties for connecting to MariaDB. The required properties are identified using the *** characters.

If a connection property value has special characters such as semicolons, single quotes, spaces, etc., then you must quote the value using either single or double quotes.

Other properties (Proxy...) are detailed in section common properties

Connection Life Time

The maximum lifetime of a connection in seconds. Once the time has elapsed, the connection object is disposed.


The name of the MariaDB database.

Integrated Security

Whether or not to authenticate with Windows authentication.

Max Rows

Limits the number of rows returned when no aggregation or group is used in the query. This helps avoid performance issues at design time.


The password required for authentication with the MariaDB server.

Pool Idle Timeout

The allowed idle time for a connection before it is closed.

Pool Max Size

The maximum number of connections in the pool.

Pool Min Size

The minimum number of connections in the pool.

Pool Wait Time

The maximum number of seconds to wait for an available connection.


The port of the MariaDB server.

Query Passthrough

This option passes the query to MariaDB as-is.


The host name or IP address of the server.

SSH Client Cert

The SSH client certificate store for SSH Client Authentication.

SSH Client Cert Password

The password for the SSH client certificate.

SSH Client Cert Type

The type of key store containing the SSH client certificate.

SSH Password

The SSH password.

SSH Port

The SSH port

SSH Server

The SSH server.

SSH Server Finger Print

The SSH server fingerprint

SSH User

The SSH user.

SSL Client Cert

The TLS/SSL client certificate store for SSL Client Authentication (2-way SSL).

SSL Client Cert Password

The password for the TLS/SSL client certificate.

SSL Client Cert Subject

The subject of the TLS/SSL client certificate.

SSL Client Cert Type

The type of key store containing the TLS/SSL client certificate.

SSL Server Cert

The certificate to be accepted rom the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.


The value in seconds until the timeout error is thrown.

Use Connection Pooling

This property enables connection pooling.


The user to authenticate when connecting to MariaDB.


Use SSH.


This field sets whether SSL is enabled.

Zero Dates to Null

Whether or not to return Date and DateTime values consisting of all zeros as NULL.

Last updated