Using the appRules Designer
To create your project, simply navigate to the appRules designer home page and drag-and-drop activities from the toolbox on to the designer.
The user id to be used for accessing the designer must be set up as a developer in user settings
There are several sample projects in the Samples database that show examples of completed projects.
To configure an activity:
Optionally edit the Display Name of the activity.
Optionally enter a short description for the activity.
Select the Execution Plan for the activity (Automatic, On-Demand, etc.)
Configure the required properties using the many built-in property editors.
Optionally configure the condition for executing the activity.
Optionally configure the actions to execute based on execution events.
Click the Save toolbar button to save the activity. If no errors are found, the activity configuration will be saved.
Once saved, you can connect the activity to another activity by dragging an arrow from one activity to another.
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